Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne's
provides a basic capability for creating drawings made up
of points, lines, squares, circles, and other geometric
shapes in a window, and for saving the drawings.
It also includes facilities for text, color, pictures,
and animation, along with user interaction via the
keyboard and mouse.
A brief summary of (most of) the StdDraw API:
Many of these relate to fractals and chaos.
Other Downloads and Links
- My copy of the StdDraw library
(12 KB). Unzip this and place the libs folder in the
same directory as the examples and batch files.
- Documentation for the library as a
PDF file (366 KB).
- Web-based documentation, including API listings.
There's more documentation in
Section 1.5
of the website for "Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach" by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne (2017). Scroll down to the
"Standard drawing" subheading.
- Many of the examples listed above can be found at
Sedgewick and Wayne's website, inluding in
Section 1.5
and here.
- is part of a larger set of libraries which
Sedgewick and Wayne package up as
stdlib.jar (244 KB).
Dr. Andrew Davison
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