These examples utilize Picocli, a library for writing command line applications that can understand a wide variety of optional and positional parameter types, based upon annotations added to your Java code.
Picocli's features include multiple argument styles, multi-valued fields, default values, argument grouping, automatic conversion of arguments to Java types, automatic help and version options, ANSI colors, password processing, argument files (@-files), git-like subcommands, and the automatic generation of AsciiDoc man pages.
The usage information shown for each example is generated by Picocli automatically, based on annotations included in the code.
Usage: Banner [-dhV] [-s=<style>] [-z=<fontSize>] [<text>...] Prints an ASCII banner. [<text>...] Text to be displayed. -d, --down Print down the screen -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -s, --font-style=<style> <style> values: plain, bold, italics -V, --version Print version information and exit. -z, --font-size=<fontSize> Font size (default: 12)Try these examples (run is the run.bat batch file):
> run Banner --help > run Banner -V > run Banner > run Banner -d > run Banner -z=30 "Hi" > run Banner -d -z=30 "Hello world" > run Banner -d -z=50 -s=bold "Hello world" > run Banner -z=30 -s=italics "Hi"
Notable Picocli features: automatic help and version options, default values, enum usage, automatic conversion of command line arguments to data types. Banner utilizes a support class,, to calculate the pixel dimensions of the drawn string.
Usage: CheckSum [-hV] [-a=<alg>] <file> Prints a file's checksum. <file> The file whose checksum is calculated. -a, --algorithm=<alg> SHA-1, SHA-256, MD5, ... (default: SHA-1) -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -V, --version Print version information and exit.Try these examples:
> run CheckSum -h > run CheckSum -V > run CheckSum
____ _____ _ / __ \ / ____| | | | | | | (___ __ _| | | | | |\___ \ / _` | | | |__| |____) | (_| | | \___\_\_____/ \__, |_| | | |_| Usage: QSql [-hpV] -d=<dbName> [-q=<query>] Queries a SQLite database. -d, --database=<dbName> SQLite database -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -p, --pretty-print display an ASCII table -q, --query=<query> SQL Query -V, --version Print version information and exit.Try these examples:
> run QSql -h > run QSql -d=worldcities.db > run QSql -d=worldcities.db -q="select * from cities WHERE city = 'London'" > run QSql -d=worldcities.db -p -q="select * from cities WHERE city = 'London'"
It uses the worldcities.db database, and the sqlite-jdbc-3.16.1.jar and DBTablePrinter.jar libraries (see below). Naturally, you also need to install SQLite.
I generated the ASCII header at this site.
Usage: Jwc [-hlLmVw] [FILE...] A simple Java version of wc. [FILE...] File(s) to be searched -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -l, --lines print the newlines count -L, --max-line-length print the length of the longest line -m, --chars print the character count -V, --version Print version information and exit. -w, --words print the word countTry these examples:
> run Jwc > run Jwc *.java > run Jwc -lw
Usage: Jps [-ahlV] [-c=<cmdName>] [-r=<min-max>] [-p=PID[,PID...]]... A simple Java version of ps. -a, --all print info about all processes -c, --command=<cmdName> list only command name processes -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -l, --label print field labels -p, --pids=PID[,PID...] selects the processes in pidlist -r, --range=<min-max> selects pids based on min-max range -V, --version Print version information and exit.Try these examples:
> run Jps > run Jps -l > run Jps -al > run Jps -r=10000-15000 > run Jps -p=11224,11900,11904 > run Jps -c=note
Notable Picocli features: split regexs, option labels, use of arity, value validation, ParameterException.
Usage: JGrep [-chHilnsvV] [--color] PATTERN [FILE...] [COMMAND] A simple Java version of grep. PATTERN PATTERN is a basic regular expression. [FILE...] File(s) to be searched for PATTERN -c, --count print only a count of matching lines per FILE --color, --colour show PATTERN matches in red -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -H, --no-filename suppress the prefixing filename on output -i, --ignore-case ignore case distinctions -l, --files-with-matches print only names of FILEs containing matches -n, --line-number print line number with output lines -s, --no-messages suppress error messages -v, --invert-match select non-matching lines -V, --version Print version information and exit. Commands: gen-manpage Generates man pages for all commands in the specified directory.Try these examples:
> run JGrep "private" > run JGrep --color "private" > run JGrep "^public" *.java > run JGrep -c "private" > run JGrep -Hl "private" > run JGrep -l "concurrent" *.java > cat | run JGrep -n "private" > cat | run JGrep -Hc "private" > run JGrep gen-manpage -v JGrep
Notable Picocli feature: the generation of AsciiDoc documentation, which requires the picocli-codegen-4.7.4.jar library (see below).
Usage: SendGmail [-dhvV] [-a=<fnm>] [-b=<bcc>] [-c=<cc>] [-f=<from>] -s=<subject> -t=<to> (-U=<usr> -P=<pwd>) [<bodyText>] Send an email using a Gmail account. [<bodyText>] Body text of the message -a, --attach=<fnm> File to attach to message -b, --bcc=<bcc> Bcc address of message -c, --cc=<cc> Cc address of message -d, --debug Turn on session debugging -f, --from=<from> Sender's address; default is username -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -P, --password=<pwd> Google account password -s, --subject=<subject> Subject line of message -t, --to=<to> To address of message -U, --username=<usr> Google account username -v, --verbose Turn on session reports -V, --version Print version information and exit.Try these examples (but with your Gmail account's username and password):
> run SendGmail -s="test 1" -t="" -U="UUUUUU" -P="XXXX" "this is message 1" > run SendGmail -s="test 2" -t="" @login.txt -a="" "this is message 2" > cat | run SendGmail -s="test 3" -t="" @login.txt -a="" > run SendGmail -s="test 4" -a="" -t="" @login.txt this is message 4 ctrl-Z > run SendGmail -v @login.txt -s="test 5" -t="" @longMsg.txt
Note: is Homer Simpson's email, circa 2003.
Notable Picocli features: argument groups, command-line argument files (@-files), but not an interactive password since I found its input interferred with reading a message from stdin.
SendGmail relies on the jakarta.mail-2.0.2.jar, angus-activation-2.0.1.jar, and jakarta.activation-api-2.1.2.jar libraries (see below).
I had several problems getting this example to work.
One issue was that Google doesn't by default support network access using only an account's username and password. You either have to configure the Gmail account to enable 'less secure apps' (which I did), or use OAuth2 authentication (which is somewhat more complex). The relevant setting is "Less secure app access" in the "Security" category of your Google Account page.
Another issue was my anti-virus software (Avast) which would not allow SendGmail to connect to Gmail's SMTP host at, port 465. I had to disable its "Scan outbound emails (SMTP)" setting in its Mail Shield.
Yet another issue was Angus Mail's use of reflective access to sockets, which triggered a warning from Java 11. This was switched off by adding the option --add-opens java.base/ to the call to java inside run.bat. This will become a more serious problem in later versions of Java since this option is scheduled for removal.
Usage: ISOCodeResolver [COMMAND] Resolve ISO country or language codes Commands: language Resolve ISO language code(s) help Display help information about the specified command. country Resolve ISO country code(s)Try these examples:
> run ISOCodeResolver language de cs en sd se > run ISOCodeResolver country cn fr th ro no
Notable Picocli features: git-like subcommands, subcommand creation using a method and a class, use of the help command.