

JGraphT supports a very wide range of graph theory data structures and algorithms. But the examples here deliberately use only a small number of graph classes:

MakeGraphs.java contains brief examples of these four graph types.

Another aim is to demonstrate the easy loading and saving of graphs stored in text files, either as adjacency lists, matrices, or in GraphML format. This is implemented by various methods in JGTUtils.java, and illustrated by examples in LoadAdjList.java, LoadAdjMatrix.java, and LoadGraphML.java.

A third goal is to make it easy to visualize graphs, either textually as adjacency lists or matrices, or graphically by using GraphViz or JGraphX methods. The use of GraphViz requires a separate download, but the JGraphX libraries are included in JGraphT.

My Examples

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Dr. Andrew Davison
E-mail: ad@coe.psu.ac.th
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