Jacop is a fast constraint solver with powerful
features for solving problems involving integers, sets of integers, and floats.
The examples included here all relate to puzzles (my interest), but Jacop
can of course be used more seriously. Two advantages of examples based
around puzzles are that the problems are easy to understand and the coding is
relatively short.
For more information on Jacop, see:
A fabulous resource for programming with constraints in many
different languages and libraries is
hakank's Home Page. His Jacop page is
here, and he also
has a page for the
version of Jacop.
1. Cryptoarithmetic
A cryptoarithmetic
puzzle is typically a single math expression
(often involving addition) where the digits are represented by letters.
Your task is to identify the unique digit (0 to 9) that goes
with each letter.
- SendMoreMoney.java: the famous
"SEND + MORE = MONEY" equation;
- DonaldGeraldRobert.java: the
almost equally famous "DONALD + GERALD = ROBERT". The Jacop coding
uses a slightly more fancy approach than in SendMoreMoney.java,
involving weighted sums for the letters and the words;
- LeastDiff.java aims to find the smallest
value for "ABCDE - FGHIJ", and so uses a cost parameter to constrain the
2. Logic Puzzles
This section contains a few
grid puzzles, so named because they're
best solved by drawing a grid to mark out the ways that data can be
combined, and various combinations eliminated. For those of you
interested in learning this approach, have a look
and here.
- Zebra.java: the
most famous puzzle
of this type, often attributed to Einstein or Lewis Carroll. The coding strategy
is to implement the puzzle categories as arrays and to
link the categories by having their array cells use the same integer values (domains). Two cells in different arrays with the same integer value are
considered 'equal';
- BabySitting.java: similar
to Zebra.java, but a bit simpler since there are less conditions
to encode;
- HistoricHomes.java: more complex than
Zebra.java in that it requires Element constraints;
3. Grid-based Games
The game grid, or chessboard,
means that the Jacop code must deal with constraints between the cells
of a 2D array. The examples below are ordered simplest to hardest, with
the main difference being the number of constraints applied to
the grid cells.
- LatinSquare.java : a basic
Latin Square
problem consists of filling a square with numbers in such a way
that every row and column doesn't contain two numbers with the
same value;
- NQueens.java : place
n queens
on a n x n chessboard so none of the queens are in check;
- Sudoku.java : a
Sudoku solver,
but you'll have to edit the vals[] array to change the
problem being solved;
- Kakuro.java :
Kakuro puzzles
supply row and column sums and the player must
insert a digit into each empty cell so that the sum of
the numbers in each row/column matches the row/column totals.
Also, no digit can appear twice in any row or column.
Aside from the listed examples, I've utilized two support files:
JacopUtils.java and
ValsMap.java, which offer utilities for printing search results and
manipulating arrays of variables.
Downloads and Other Links
Dr. Andrew Davison
E-mail: ad@coe.psu.ac.th
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