UPDATES to M3G Chapter 1. Loading OBJ Models into M3G From: Java Programming Techniques for 2D, 2.5D, 3D, and Network Games Dr. Andrew Davison Dept. of Computer Engineering Prince of Songkla University Hat yai, Songkhla 90112, Thailand E-mail: ad@coe.psu.ac.th Web Site for the book: http://coe.psu.ac.th/~ad/jg If you use this code, please mention my name, and include a link to the book's Web site. Thanks, Andrew ============================ 21st October 2004 objM3G.pdf 1. Changed the formatting so it's labelled as M3G Chapter 1 of the online book. 2. Mentioned my change to using Milkshape 3D for modelling (http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/ms3d/), and the need to lightly edit its generated MTL file when exporting to OBJ format. ----- objM3G.zip 1. WrapObjView.java: printAppearance() switches on texture modulation if a Material and Texture are detected together. 2. Added another example to the ObjView/ directory: penguin.obj, penguin.mtl, and penguin.gif. The texture in penguin.gif was created by Kanokrat Prukpattanarak. ============================ 26th October 2004 objM3G.pdf Added a mention of the free M3G tools from HI Corporation (http://www.mascotcapsule.com/M3G/index_e.html), and a link to Ben Hui's M3G tools site (http://www.benhui.net/mobile3d) Compared our approach with the use of M3G files. -----