Code | Title |
A | |
aaf | Amazing Adult Fantasy |
af | Amazing Fantasy |
ait | Adventures into Terror |
asm | The Amazing Spider-Man |
asm-ann | The Amazing Spider-Man Annual |
ast | Astonishing |
av | The Mighty Avengers |
aw | All-Winners Comics |
B, C | |
bk | Black Knight |
cac | Captain America Comics |
D, F | |
dd | Daredevil |
ff | Fantastic Four |
ff-ann | Fantastic Four Annual |
H, I | |
htc | Human Torch Comics |
hulk | The Incredible Hulk |
iron | The Invincible Iron Man |
J, K | |
jim | Journey into Mystery |
kco | Kid Colt Outlaw |
M | |
ma | Men's Adventures |
mb | Marvel Boy |
mc | Marvel Comics |
mmc | Marvel Mystery Comics |
myst | Mystic Comics |
N | |
nbe | Not Brand Echh |
R | |
rk | Rawhide Kid |
rr | Red Raven |
S | |
sgt | Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos |
smc | Sub-Mariner Comics |
ssmm | Spectacular Spider-Man Magazine |
st | Strange Tales |
T | |
tgk | Two-Gun Kid |
thor | Thor |
tos | Tales of Suspense |
tta | Tales to Astonish |
W, X, Y | |
wof | World of Fantasy |
xmen | The X-Men |
ym | Young Men |
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