Reprints Legend

Code Title
aaf Amazing Adult Fantasy
af Amazing Fantasy
ait Adventures into Terror
asm The Amazing Spider-Man
asm-ann The Amazing Spider-Man Annual
ast Astonishing
av The Mighty Avengers
aw All-Winners Comics
B, C
bk Black Knight
cac Captain America Comics
D, F
dd Daredevil
ff Fantastic Four
ff-ann Fantastic Four Annual
H, I
htc Human Torch Comics
hulk The Incredible Hulk
iron The Invincible Iron Man
J, K
jim Journey into Mystery
kco Kid Colt Outlaw
ma Men's Adventures
mb Marvel Boy
mc Marvel Comics
mmc Marvel Mystery Comics
myst Mystic Comics
nbe Not Brand Echh
rk Rawhide Kid
rr Red Raven
sgt Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos
smc Sub-Mariner Comics
ssmm Spectacular Spider-Man Magazine
st Strange Tales
tgk Two-Gun Kid
thor Thor
tos Tales of Suspense
tta Tales to Astonish
W, X, Y
wof World of Fantasy
xmen The X-Men
ym Young Men

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