Example 1: search for any comic cover featuring Dr. Doom and Daredevil after 1967. Enter Dr. Doom into one box, Daredevil into another, and select After, December, and 1967 from the Dates part (it follows Comic Titles). Press the Submit Search button.
Example 2:
search for Thor's appearances in the Avengers title.
Enter Thor into a box. In the
Titles part, press the None
button and then select the Avengers
square. Press Submit Search.
Example 3:
search for any comic cover featuring Quicksilver but not
the Scarlet Witch.
(The secret is to put a !
[an exclamation mark] in front of
Scarlet Witch, which means NOT.) Enter
into one box, !Scarlet Witch into
another. Press Submit Search.
Back to the search page.