The books listed here are divided into five sections, in roughly chronological order:
If by some slim chance, you don't know who Martin Gardner is, then please have a look at his Wikipedia page.
Tricks With Cards - Part I; Tricks With Cards - Part II; From Gergonne To Gargantua; Magic With Common Objects; Topological Tomfoolery; Tricks With Special Equipment; Geometrical Vanishes - Part I; Geometrical Vanishes - Part II; Magic With Pure Numbers.
Hexaflexagons; Magic with a Matrix; Nine Problems; TickTackToe; Probability Paradoxes; The Icosian Game and the Tower of Hanoi; Curious Topological Models; The Game of Hex; Sam Loyd: America's Greatest Puzzlist; Mathematical Card Tricks; Memorizing Numbers; Nine More Problems; Polyominoes; Fallacies; Nim and Tac Tix; Left or Right?
Later retitled The First Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles, and Games, then Hexaflexagons and Other Mathematical Diversions, 1988. Later became Hexaflexagons, Probability Paradoxes, and the Tower of Hanoi, 2008.
The Five Platonic Solids; Tetraflexagons; Henry Ernest Dudeney: England's Greatest Puzzlist; Digital Roots; Nine Problems; The Soma Cube; Recreational Topology; Phi: The Golden Ratio; The Monkey and the Coconuts; Mazes; Recreational Logic; Magic Squares; James Hugh Riley Shows, Inc.; Nine More Problems; Eleusis: The Induction Game; Origami; Squaring the Square; Mechanical Puzzles; Probability and Ambiguity; The Mysterious Dr. Matrix.
Later became Origami, Eleusis, and the Soma Cube, 2008.
The Binary System; Group Theory and Braids; Eight Problems; The Games and Puzzles of Lewis Carroll; Paper Cutting; Board Games; Packing Spheres; The Transendental Number Pi; Victor Eigen: Mathemagician; The Four-Color Map Theorem; Mr. Apollinax Visits New York; Nine Problems; Polyominoes and Fault-Free Rectangles; Euler's Spoilers: The Discovery of an Order-10 Graeco-Latin Square; The Ellipse; The 24 Color Squares and the 30 Color Cubes; H.S.M. Coxeter; Bridg-it and Other Games; Nine More Problems; The Calculus of Finite Differences.
Later became Sphere Packing, Lewis Carroll, and Reversi, 2009.
The Paradox of the Unexpected Hanging; Knots and Borromean Rings; The Transcendental Number e; Geometric Dissections; Scarne on Gambling; The Church of the Fourth Dimension; Eight Problems; A Matchbox Game-Learning Machine; Spirals; Rotations and Reflections; Peg Solitaire; Flatlands; Chicago Magic Convention; Tests of Divisibility; Nine Problems; The Eight Queens and Other Chessboard Diversions; A Loop of String; Curves of Constant Width; Rep-Tiles: Replicating Figures on the Plane; Thirty-Seven Catch Questions.
Later became Knots and Borromean Rings, Rep-Tiles, and Eight Queens, 2014.
New York; Los Angeles; Sing Sing; Lincoln and Kennedy; Chicago; Miami Beach; Philadelphia; Pi; Wordsmith College; Squaresville; Left Versus Right; Fifth Avenue; The Moon; Honolulu; Houston; Clairvoyance Test; Pyramid Lake; The King James Bible; Calcutta; Stanford; Chautauque; Istanbul.
Later published as The Incredible Dr. Matrix, 1979. Revised and expanded as The Magic Numbers of Dr. Matrix, 1985.
The Helix; Klein Bottles and Other Surfaces; Combinatorial Theory; Bouncing Balls in Polygons and Polyhedrons; Four Unusual Board Games; The Rigid Square and Eight Other Problems; Sliding-Block Puzzles; Parity Checks Patterns and Primes Graph Theory; The Ternary System; The Trip Around the Moon and Seven Other Problems; The Cycloid: Helen of Geometry; Mathematical Card Tricks; Word Play; The Pythagorean Theorem; Limits of Infinite Series; Polyiamonds; Tetrahedrons; Coleridge's Apples and Eight Other Problems; The Lattice of Integers; Infinite Regress; O'Gara, the Mathematical Mailman; Op Art; Extraterrestrial Communication.
Sprouts and Brussels Sprouts; Penny Puzzles; Aleph-Null and Aleph-One; Hypercubes; Magic Stars and Polyhedrons; Calculating Prodigies; Tricks of Lightning Calculators; The Art of M.C. Escher; The Red-Faced Cube and Other Problems; Card Shuffles; Mrs. Perkins' Quilt and Other Square-Packing Problems; The Numerology of Dr. Fliess; Random Numbers; The Rising Hourglass and Other Physics Puzzles; Pascal's Triangle; Jam, Hot, and Other Games; Cooks and Quibble-Cooks; Piet Hein's Superellipse; How to Trisect an Angle.
Nothing; More Ado About Nothing; Game Theory, Guess It, Foxholes; Factorial Oddities; The Cocktail Cherry and Other Problems; Double Acrostics; Playing Cards; Finger Arithmetic; Moebius Bands; Ridiculous Questions; Polyhexes and Polyaboloes; Perfect, Amicable, Social; Polyominoes and Rectification; Knights of the Square Table; The Dragon Curve and Other Problems; Colored Triangles and Cubes; Trees; Dice; Everything.
Optical Illusion; Matches; Spheres and Hyperspheres; Patterns of Induction; Elegant Triangles; Random Walks and Gambling; Random Walks on the Plane and in Space; Boolean Algebra; Can Machines Think? Cyclic Numbers; Eccentric Chess and Other Problems; Dominoes; Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers; Simplicity; The Rotating Round Table and Other Problems; Solar System Oddities; Mascheroni Constructions; The Abacus; Palindromes: Words and Numbers; Dollar Bills.
Wheels; Diophantine Analysis and Fermat's Last Theorem; The Knotted Molecule and Other Problems; Alephs and Supertasks; Nontransitive Dice and Other Probability Paradoxes; Geometric Fallacies; The Combinatorics of Paper Folding; A Set of Quickies; Ticktacktoe Games; Plaiting Polyhedrons; The Game of Halma; Advertising Premiums; Salmon on Austin's Dog; Nim and Hackenbush; Golomb's Graceful Graphs; Charles Addams' Skier and Other Problems; Chess Tasks; Slither, 3X+1, and Other Curious Questions; Mathematical Tricks with Cards; The Game of Life, Part I; The Game of Life, Part II; The Game of Life, Part III.
Coincidence; The Binary Gray Code; Polycubes; Bacon's Cypher; Doughnuts: Linked and Knotted; The Tour of the Arrows and Other Problems; Napier's Bones; Napier's Abacus; Sim, Chomp and Racetrack; Elevators; Crossing Numbers; Point Sets on the Sphere; Newcomb's Paradox; Reflections on Newcomb's Paradox; Reverse the Fish and Other Problems; Look-See Proofs; Worm Paths; Waring's Problems; Cram, Bynum and Quadraphage; The I Ching; The Laffer Curve.
Time Travel Hexes and Stars; Tangrams, Part 1; Tangrams, Part 2; Nontransitive Paradoxes; Combinatorial Card Problems; Melody-Making Machines; Anamorphic Art; The Rubber Rope and Other Problems; Six Sensational Discoveries; The Csaszar Polyhedron; Dodgem and Other Simple Games; Tiling with Convex Polygons; Tiling with Polyominoes, Polyiamonds, and Polyhexes; Curious Maps; The Sixth Symbol and Other Problems; Magic Squares and Cubes; Block Packing; Induction and Probability; Catalan Numbers; Fun With a Pocket Calculator; Tree-Plant Problems.
Penrose Tiling I; Penrose Tiling II; Mandelbrot's Fractals; Conway's Surreal Numbers; Back from the Klondike and Other Problems; The Oulipo; The Oulipo II; Wythoff's Nim; Pool-Ball Triangles and Other Problems; Mathematical Induction and Colored Hats; Negative Numbers; Cutting Shapes into N Congruent Parts; Trapdoor Ciphers; Trapdoor Ciphers II; Hyperbolas; The New Eleusis; Ramsey Theory; From Burrs to Berrocal; Sicherman Dice, the Kruskal Count and Other Curiosities; Raymond Smullyan's Logic Puzzles; The Return of Dr. Matrix.
White, Brown, and Fractal Music The Tinkly Temple Bells Mathematical Zoo; Charles Sanders Pierce; Twisted Prismatic Rings; The Thirty Color Cubes; Egyptian Fractions; Minimal Sculpture; Minimal Sculpture II; Tangent Circles; The Rotating Table and Other Problems; Does Time Ever Stop? Can the Past be Altered?; Generalized Ticktacktoe; Psychic Wonders and Probability; Mathematical Chess Problems; Douglas Hofstadter's Godel, Escher, Bach; Imaginary Numbers; Pi and Poetry: Some Accidental Patterns; More on Poetry; Packing Squares; Chaitin's Omega.
The Wonders of the Planiverse; Bulgarian Solitaire and Other Seemingly Endless Tasks; Fun with Eggs, Part I; Fun with Eggs, Part II; The Topology of Knots; M-Pire Maps; Directed Graphs and Cannibals; Dinner Guests, Schoolgirls, and Handcuffed Prisoners; The Monster and Other Sporadic Groups; Taxicab Geometry; The Power of the Pigeonhole; Strong Laws of Small Primes; Checker Recreations, Part I; Checker Recreations, Part II; Modulo Arithmetic and Hummer's Wicked Witch; Lavinia Seeks a Room and Other Problems; The Symmetry Creations of Scott Kim; Parabolas; Non-Euclidean Geometry; Voting Mathematics; A Toroidal Paradox and Other Problems; Minimal Steiner Trees; Trivalent Graphs, Snarks, and Boojums.
I. Arithmetic and Algebra: The Monkey and the Coconuts; The Calculus of Finite Differences; Palindromes: Words and Numbers.
II. Plane Geometry: Curves of Constant Width; Rep-Tiles; Piet Hein's Superellipse; Penrose Tiles; The Wonders of a Planiverse.
III. Solid Geometry and Higher Dimensions: The Helix; Packing Spheres; Spheres and Hyperspheres; The Church of the Fourth Dimension; Hypercubes; Non-Euclidean Geometry.
IV. Symmetry: Rotations and Reflections; The Amazing Creations of Scott Kim; The Art of M. C. Escher.
V. Topology: Klein Bottles and Other Surfaces; Knots; Doughnuts: Linked and Knotted.
VI. Probability: Probability and Ambiguity; Nontransitive Dice and Other Paradoxes; More Nontransitive Paradoxes.
VII. Infinity: Infinite Regress; Aleph-Null and Aleph-One; Supertasks; Fractal Music; Surreal Numbers.
VIII. Combinatorics: Hexaflexagons; The Soma Cube; The Game of Life; Paper Folding; Ramsey Theory; Bulgarian Solitaire and Other Seemingly Endless Tasks.
IX. Games and Decision Theory: A Matchbox Game-Learning Machine; Sprouts and Brussels Sprouts; Harary's Generalized Ticktacktoe; The New Eleusis.
X. Physics: Time Travel; Does Time Ever Stop?; Induction and Probability; Simplicity.
XI. Logic and Philosophy: The Unexpected Hanging; Newcomb's Paradox; Nothing; Everything.
XII. Miscellaneous: Melody-Making Machines; Mathematical Zoo; Godel, Escher, Bach; Six Sensational Discoveries.
I. Combinatorial & Numerical Problems: Combinatorics; Probability; Numbers; Algebra.
II. Geometric Puzzles: Plane Geometry; Solid Geometry; Shapes and Dissections; Topology.
III. Algorithmic Puzzles and Games: Procedures; Scheduling; Planning; Games; Chess.
IV. Other Puzzles: Logic; Cryptarithms; Wordplay; Physical Objects; Physics.
Appendix: Twelve More Brain Teasers.
Carl W. Lee and Charles Kluepfel, 1997.
Part I: The Opaque Cube; The Square Root of 2 = 1.414 213 562 373 095...; Flip, the Psychic Robot; The Propositional Calculus with Directed Graphs; Mathematics and Wordplay; Steiner Trees on a Checkerboard; Tiling the Bent Tromino; Covering a Cube with Congruent Polygons; Magic Tricks on a Computer; Variations on the 12345679 Trick; More Calculator Whimsies; Kasparov's Defeat by Deep Blue; Computers Near the Threshold?; Cornering the King; Toroidal Currency; Six Challenging Dissection Tasks; Lewis Carroll's Pillow-Problems; Lewis Carroll's Word Ladders; The Ant on 1 x 1 x 2; Three-Point Tiling; Lucky Numbers and 2187; 3 x 3 Magic Squares; Some New Discoveries about 3 x 3 Magic Squares; Primes in Arithmetic Progression; Prime Magic Squares; The Dominono Game; The Growth of Recreational Mathematics; Maximum Inscribed Squares, Rectangles, and Triangles; Serial lsogons of 90 Degrees; Around the Solar System; Ten Amazing Mathematical Tricks; Modeling Mathematics with Playing Cards; The Asymmetric Propeller Theorem; Chess Queens and Maximum Unattacked Cells.
Part II: Lion Hunting; Two Books on Infinity; The Universe and the Teacup; A New Result on Perfect Magic Squares; The Number Devil; Probability 1; Fuzzy New New Math.
144 wonderful puzzles previously published as two books, "aha! Gotcha" (SciAm 1975) and "aha! Insight" (SciAm 1978).
"aha! Gotcha" was derived from "The Paradox Box", a set of film strips, cassettes, and teacher's guides. It classifies its puzzles into logic, number, geometry, probability, statistics, and time. "aha! Insight" groups its puzzles into combinatorial, geometry, number, logic, procedural, and word play.
Edited by David A. Klarner, 1998.
Games: Anyone for Twopins; Pretzel Solitaire as a Pastime for the Lonely Mathematician; Some Remarks about a Hex Problem; A Kriegspiel Endgame; Mental Poker; Cheap, Middling, or Dear; A Random Hopscotch Problem, or How to Make Johnny Read More.
Geometry: Wreaths of Tangent Circles; Bicycle Tubes Inside Out; Flexing Surfaces; Planting Trees; Slicing It Thin; How Did Pappus Do It?
Two-Dimensional Tiling: Fault-Free Tilings of Rectangles; Dissections into Equilateral Triangles; In Praise of Amateurs; Some Problems on Plane Tiling; Angels and Devils.
Three-Dimensional Tiling: Packing Problems and Inequalities; Can Cubes Avoid Meeting Face to Face? Packing Handed Pentacubes; My Life Among the Polyominoes.
Fun and Problems: Disappearances; Noneuclidean Harmony; Magic Cuboctahedrons; Games, Graphs, and Galleries; Probing the Rotating Table.
Numbers and Coding Theory: Supernatural Numbers; The Graph Theorists Who Count - and What They Count; Error-Correcting Codes and Cryptography.
Originally entitled The Mathematical Gardner, 1981.
Edited by Elwyn Berlekamp and Tom Rodgers, 1999.
I. Personal Magic: Martin Gardner: A Documentary; Ambrose, Gardner, and Doyle; A Truth Learned Early; Martin Gardner = Mint! Grand! Rare!; Three Limericks: On Space, Time, and Speed.
II. Puzzlers: A Maze with Rules; Biblical Ladders; Card Game Trivia; Creative Puzzle Thinking; Number Play, Calculators, and Card Tricks: Mathemagical Black Holes; Puzzles from Around the World; O'Beirne's Hexiamond; Japanese Tangram (The Sei Shonagon Pieces); How a Tangram Cat Happily Turns into the Pink Panther; Pollys Flagstones; Those Peripatetic Pentominoes; Self-Designing Tetraflexagons; The Odyssey of the Figure Eight Puzzle; Metagrobolizers of Wire; Beautiful but Wrong: The Floating Hourglass Puzzle; Cube Puzzles; The Nine Color Puzzle; Twice: A Sliding Block Puzzle; Planar Burrs; Block-Packing Jambalaya; Classification of Mechanical Puzzles and Physical Objects Related to Puzzles.
III. Mathemagics: A Curious Paradox; A Powerful Procedure for Proving Practical Propositions; Misfiring Tasks; Drawing de Bruijn Graphs; Computer Analysis of Sprouts; Strange New Life Forms: Update; Hollow Mazes; Some Diophantine Recreations; Who Wins Misere Hex? An Update on Odd Neighbors and Odd Neighborhoods; Point Mirror Reflection; How Random are 3x + 1 Function Iterates?
Edited by David Wolfe and Tom Rodger, 2002.
Part 1. The Toast Tributes: Harry Eng: A Tribute; The Bug Coin Vise; David A. Klarner - A Memorial Tribute; David Klarner's Pentacube Towers; Some Reminiscences of David Klarner; Just for the Mel of It; Mel Stover; The Stack of Quarters.
Part II. Tantalizing Appetizers: Challenges for the Reader: Crostic in Honor of Martin Gardner; A Clock Puzzle; Three Problems; A Scrub Tile Puzzle; All Tied up in Naughts; Jumping Cards; Six Off-beat Chess Problems; Four Squares for Squares.
Part III. Smoked Ham: A Course in Magic: It's All about Astonishment; Shooting Craps Today; The Transcendental Knot; The Brazilian Knot Trick; Mental Match-up; A Labyrinth in a Labyrinth; Paradox Squares Force; A Face in the Shadows; A Card Vanishing in a Nut; Casey at the Fox; Sleight of Hand with Playing Cards prior to Scot's Discoverie; Cubist Magic; "Impossible" Foldings.
Part IV. Chef's Caprice: Coincidences; The Bard and the Bible; Inversions: Lettering with a Mathematical Twist; All You Need is Cards; Calendrical Conundrums; Two Poems.
Part V. Wild Game (and Puzzles): What Makes the Puzzler Tick? Diabolical Puzzles from Japan; How to Outwit the Parity; Inflated Pentominoes; Pixel Polyominoes; Pythagorean Puzzle; Classic Six-Piece Burr Puzzle; A Classification of Burrs; Paving Mazes; Early Japanese Export Puzzles: 1860s to 1960s; Interlocking Spirals; The Partridge Puzzles.
Part VI. Mathematical Entrees: Fermat's Last Theorem and the Fourth Dimension; Games People Don't Play; Mathematical Chats Between Two Physicists; How Flies Fly: the Curvature and Torsion of Space Curves; Some Tricks and Paradoxes.
Part VII. Mathematical Treats: How Recreational Mathematics Can Save the World; Variations on a Transcendental Theme; Magic "Squares" Indeed!; The Beer Bottles Problem; The Fractal Society; Four Games for Gardner; The Sol LeWitt Puzzle: A Problem in 16 Squares; Sum-Free Games; Shadows and Plugs; A Neglected Trigonometric Gem; Kotani's Ant Problem; Y2K Problem of Dominoes and Tatami Carpeting.
Edited by Barry Cipra, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Tom Rodgers, 2005.
Part I. Braintreasures: Chinese Ceramic Puzzle Vessels; Mongolian Interlocking Puzzles.
Part II. Brainticklers: Fold-and-Cut Magic; The Three-Legged Hourglass; The Incredible Swimmer Puzzle; The Butler University Game; Vive Recreational Mathematics; Godelian Puzzles.
Part III. Brainteasers: A Bouquet of Brainteasers; Sliding-Coin Puzzles; Under-specified Puzzles; A Cryptic Crossword Puzzle in Honor of Martin Gardner; Absolute Martin.
Part IV. Braintempters: A History of the Ten-Square; Configuration Games; BlackJack Stacks; Five Algorithmic Puzzles; Polyform Patterns; Another Pentomino Problem; Polyomino Number Theory (III); A Golomb Gallimaufry.
Part V. Braintaunters: The Panex Puzzle; Upstart Puzzles; The Complexity of Sliding-Block Puzzles and Plank Puzzles; Hinged Dissections: Swingers, Twisters, Flappers.
Part VI. Braintools: The Burnside Di-Lemma: Combinatorics and Puzzle Symmetry; Designing Puzzles with a Computer; Origami Approximate Geometric Constructions; Rolling Block Mazes; Constructing Domino Portraits.
Edited by Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Tom Rodgers, 2008.
I. Cast a Spell: Martin Gardner and His Influence on Magic; Martin Gardner - Encore!; Low-Down Triple Dealing; Products of Universal Cycles.
II. In Hindsight: Tangram: The World's First Puzzle Craze; De Viribus Quantitatis by Luca Pacioli: The First Recreational Mathematics Book; Magic and Card Tricks in Luca Paciolo's De Viribus Quantitatis.
III. Move It: Railway Mazes; Mechanical Mazes; Insanity Puzzles: Instant and On-the-Spot; The Adventures of Ant Alice.
IV. Fitting In: Simplicity; Extreme Puzzles; Satterfield's Tomb; Computer-Assisted Seashell Mosaics.
V. Speak to Me: Memories and Inconsistencies; A Bouquet For Gardner; NetWords: A Fascinating New Pencil-Paper Game; The Wizard is Always In.
VI. Making Arrangements: Symmetric Graphs in Mathematical Puzzles; Martin Gardner and Ticktacktoe; Scheduling Tennis Doubles Competitions; When Multiplication Mixes Up Digits; Magic, Antimagic, and Talisman Squares; Rectangle Arithmetic: Another Slant on Fractions.
Edited by Ed Pegg Jr., Alan H. Schoen, Tom Rodgers, 2009.
I. History and Hoaxes: Sam Loyd's Most Successful Hoax.
II. Numbers and Shapes: The Seven-Colored Torus; A Property of Complete Symbols; Seven-Fold Symmetry in Mathematica(l) Graphics and Physical Models; Seven Knots and Knots in the Seven-Color Map; Seven from the Sea; Seven Staggering Sequences; Seven Water Lilies.
III. Puzzles and Games: Developing the Transmission Puzzle; Triple-7 Hamiltonian Chess; Retrolife; The Logologicomathemagical 7 x 7 Puzzle; Seven Roads to Roam: A Magical Journey; Fractal Tilings Based on Dissections; Creating the NAVIGATI Puzzle; Crazy Elephant Dance; The Two Ovals-to-Table Story; Folding Regular Heptagons; Combinatorial Philosophy; Variations of the 14-15 Puzzle; Pentomino Battleships; Horses in the Stream and Other Short Stories; A Potpourri of Polygonal and Polyhedral Puzzles; The Hexa-Dodeca-Flexagon; Golomb, Gardner, Benjamin and Jones: Midwives to a Puzzle; Walk, Slide, and Jump; Polyomino Number Theory Developments.
Edited by Ed Pegg Jr., Alan H. Schoen, Tom Rodgers; 2009.
I. Spin a Tale: The Ig Nobel Prizes; Martin Gardner and Paper-folding; ...Nothing but Confusion? Anamorphoses with Double Meaning.
II. Ponder a Puzzle: Peg Solitaire with Diagonal Jumps; The Grand Time Sudoku and the Law of Leftovers; Patulous Pegboard Polygons; Beamer Variant; Packing Equal Circles in a Square.
III. Bring a Friend: Uncountable Sets and an Infinite Real Number Game; The Cyclic Butler University Game; Misere Play of G-A-R-D-N-E-R, the G4G7 Heptagon.
IV. Play with Numbers: The Association Method for Solving Certain Coin-Weighing Problems; The Art of Ready Reckoning; Spherical Algebra; Mathematical Idol; The Elevator Problem.
V. Take a Shape: Jordan as a Jordan Curve; Wang Tiles, Dynamical Systems, and Beatty Difference Sequences; The Trilobite and Cross Chaim; Orderly Tangles Revisited; Quasi-Periodic Essays in Architectural and Musical Form; Ellipses; Dances with Tangrams (and without Wolves); Two Special Polyhedra Among the Regular Toroids.
Edited by Mark Burstein, Lewis Carroll Society of North America; 2011.
Combines reminiscences with essays written in his honor, and a complete biography. Contributions include Will Brooker, Douglas Hofstadter, Morton Cohen, Raymond Smullyan, and Robin Wilson. It also contains Gardner's addenda to his Annotated Alice, as well as a bibliography of his Carroll-related writings.
Edited by Michael Henle and Brian Hopkins; 2012.
I. Geometry: The Asymmetric Propeller; The Asymmetric Propeller Revisited; Bracing Regular Polygons; A Platonic Sextet for Strings; Prince Rupert's Rectangles.
II. Number Theory and Graph Theory: Transcendentals and Early Birds; Squaring, Cubing, and Cube Rooting; Carry-less Arithmetic Mod 10; Mad Tea Party Cyclic Partitions; The Continuing Saga of Snarks; The Map-Coloring Game.
III. Flexagons and Catalan Numbers: It's Okay to Be Square If You're a Flexagon; The V-flex, Triangle Orientation, and Catalan Numbers in Hexaflexagons; From Hexaflexagons to Edge Flexagons to Point Flexagons; Flexagons Lead to a Catalan Number Identity; Convergence of a Catalan Series.
IV. Making Things Fit: L-Tromino Tiling of Mutilated Chessboards; Polyomino Dissections; Squaring the Plane; Magic Knight's Tours; Some New Results on Magic Hexagrams; Finding All Solutions to the Magic Hexagram; Triangular Numbers, Gaussian Integers, and KenKen.
V. Further Puzzles and Games: Cups and Downs; 30 Years of Bulgarian Solitaire; Congo Bongo; Sam Loyd's Courier Problem with Diophantus, Pythagoras, and Martin Gardner; Retrolife and The Pawns Neighbors; RATWYT.
VI. Cards and Probability: Modeling Mathematics with Playing Cards; The Probability an Amazing Card Trick is Dull; The Monty Hall Problem, Reconsidered; The Secretary Problem from the Applicant's Point of View; Lake Wobegon Dice; Martin Gardner's Mistake.
VII. Other Aspects of Martin Gardner: Against the Odds; A Modular Miracle; The Golden Ratio - A Contrary Viewpoint; Review of The Mysterious Mr. Ammann by Marjorie Senechal; Review of PopCo by Scarlett Thomas; Superstrings and Thelma.
Seth Schoen, 2012.