[install PIC] Installing the code for "Java LibreOffice Programming"


This page explains how to get the "Java LibreOffice Programming" code examples to work. There are three main steps:

  1. download LibreOffice and other Java libraries,
  2. download my utility classes, and
  3. download the chapter examples.

I've only tested my code on Windows machines, so this page will limit itself to that platform.

1. Downloading LibreOffice and Other libraries

2. Installing my Utility Classes

The utility classes are in a folder Utils, which can be downloaded as a zipped file. It should be unzipped and placed in a new subdirectory for your LibreOffice programs. This directory can be called anything; mine is called LibreOffice Tests.

3. Installing my Examples

Links going to the zipped examples can be found in the chapter sections on the main page of this site

Download the zip file, extract the directory (e.g. Writer Tests), and store in the same directory as the one holding the Utils directory (e.g. in LibreOffice Tests). This organization is used by my compile and run batch files. There is a readme.txt file in each directory, explaining how to compile and run the examples.


Dr. Andrew Davison
E-mail: ad@coe.psu.ac.th
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